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Interviews Baby shower gift guide (and ones to avoid) from our designer moms
Parents and non-parents alike tend to think they’ve got baby shower gifts all wrapped up. You get the Goodnight Moon, a mobile, bada-bing, bada-boom. Or maybe not. We talked to four very together mothers about what they exactly […]
Baby Easy go-to gifts for babies, toddlers, and kids
There’s a certain moment in your life when you realize that you’re not only buying gifts for your friends anymore—you’re buying things for their children. If you’re anything like us, you might also end up forgetting the precise […]
Birthday Casual birthday party ideas for adults
Planning a kid’s birthday party is easy. Well, “easy.” You pick out toys, cartoon decorations, and hope for the best. Adults are a different matter entirely: we doubt your friends are going to be up for an evening […]
Interviews Ana Gambuto’s eight tips for perfect kids’ birthday party photos
W.C. Fields famously said that he “never worked with children or animals.” His loss: more cute cat pics and family photos for us. However, if you’ve ever wrangled the talent at a kids’ birthday party, you might think […]
Interviews The Meri Meri guide to a creative kid’s birthday party
We admit it: we’ve been fans of Meri Meri for a while—long before they ever thought to collaborate with us on invitations. We love their sense of whimsy and artistry and we also love the way that their […]
Etiquette Serving champagne, cava, prosecco? The differences, why to pick, and what goes with.
The natural drink of celebration is a tall, elegant flute of something sparkling. But uh, what specifically sparkling? There’s no wrong answer, but we figure there’s no harm in handing you an answer key to the sometimes undifferentiated […]
Interviews Gray Malin’s tips for perfect smartphone holiday photos
Sunscapes, snowscapes, seascapes: we love Gray Malin’s bright, bird’s-eye images of every way that people gather and play. Shame that our own photos never turn out so good—so we figured we’d try and get some advice from the […]
Holidays Simple classic cocktails for the holidays
We’re not taking you back to the very first cocktails ever poured, just like we wouldn’t take you back to the very first holiday party. Bathtub moonshine served manger-side seems a bit rustic for our tastes. We do […]
Behind the Scenes Paperless Playlist: Our favorite holiday songs
We spend a lot of time telling you how to host and what to bring, so we figure turnabout’s fair play. A good few of us are hosting holiday parties this year: some are grand affairs worthy of […]
Interviews Party experts’ one perfect tip for your holiday party
You are your own party planner to the stars, and we wouldn’t hesitate to join your celebration. But: isn’t it nice to have good help? We talked to two celebrity party planners (and one legendary host) whose business […]