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Holidays Perfect holiday party hostess gifts
Being a guest is mostly easy. Dress nice, show up, have fun, send a thank you note after, and oh: bring a gift. But what? We’re glad you asked. We think you’re ready to graduate from the nearest […]
Holidays What to wear to every holiday party
The holidays are the time to don our gayest apparel, supposedly, but the song never gives us any particularly specific advice. For this year’s holiday parties—whether they’re with your coworkers, your extended family, or your chosen family—we consulted […]
Interviews Kids’ holiday party outfit ideas with Sylvana Ward Durrett
As a parent, your reward for holiday stress is the inalienable right to put your children in any wacky holiday get-up you choose. But what to choose? And what do you dress yourself in? Fair questions, so we […]
Holidays Casual holiday parties for twelve guests or fewer
Having a successful holiday party at home doesn’t mean you have to stuff your house like a turkey. And there’s certainly no need to hire caterers or mount a photobooth. In the chilly season, it turns out that […]
Interviews Derek Blasberg’s guide to an actually fun holiday party
We’re so lucky that the host with the most is also one of our partners in design. Derek Blasberg, noted New York City bon vivant (and an absolute must-follow on Instagram), is the sign of a good party—whether […]
Holidays New holiday party themes from abroad
There’s a place for big ugly sweaters, snowman cookies, and caroling, but if you do them every year, they get a bit less special. For an original spin on the holiday season, we put together some party ideas […]
Interviews Introducing Sesame Street birthday invitations
B is for birthday When your little one’s birthday rolls around this year, have a block party. The neighborhood is sure to join in—at the very least, the friendly faces of Elmo, Cookie Monster, Big Bird, and all […]
Interviews Liz Libre on Halloween in the big city, the best costumes, and a quick trick for treats
If you’re shepherding your little witches, goblins, and ghouls through the urban jungle for the first time, take a tip from a Mom who knows—Liz Libre from Linda & Harriett. Her hand-illustrated invitations and artwork are beautiful accompaniments […]
Interviews Erin Jang on easy Halloween costumes, school parties, and homemade treats
It is hard to reinvent the bedsheet-ghost costume—trust us, we’ve tried. We wanted to find a new view on Halloween for little monsters, so we turned to one of the coolest moms we know: Erin Jang, the designer […]
Interviews Why we’re excited about Paperless Post and Paper Source
As you may have heard, Paper Source is our new home for paper invitations and cards. We’re thrilled to be working with them and excited to share what’s in store (pun intended) for your favorite printed Paperless Post […]