Kids’ holiday party outfit ideas with Sylvana Ward Durrett

As a parent, your reward for holiday stress is the inalienable right to put your children in any wacky holiday get-up you choose. But what to choose? And what do you dress yourself in? Fair questions, so we asked Sylvana Ward Durrett, founder of chic children’s boutique Maisonette (and a Vogue director, no less), for some bright ideas on holiday fashion challenges large and small.
Carolina Herrera, Maisonette
What’s something stylish but comfortable and versatile for a night where you might be wrangling children?
Great shoes are key. This holiday season, I’m investing in a pair of embellished suede kitten heels—they’re very festive, they’re the perfect height, they’re soft and comfortable, and they won’t destroy your feet. Yes, even if you’ve been chasing minis around all night.
What’s something that is unmistakably “holiday” in spirit, but doesn’t succumb to corniness?
A sequin detail makes an outfit holiday-ready, and it’s so easy to add just one piece to an outfit you already like: just change out the top, add a blazer, or even switch out your usual pants or skirt. My personal favorite piece of holiday attire is a pair of wide-legged sequined pants that I’ve had for years—very comfortable and very festive at the same time.
Maisonette, Carolina Herrera
How do you dress your kids up for the holidays?
I love velvet for kids during the holidays. This year I bought the girls Los Encajeros blue velvet dresses with lace details. One’s at 6 months and the other is 3 and a half, so I still get to put them in matching outfits for special occasions. These great festive bows and velvet Mary Jane shoes round out their holiday outfits. For Henry, I like to dress him in plaid. Tartan for boys is such a timeless holiday touch. Also, Henry is sporting here my very favorite PJs from Petite Plume, which are perfect for Christmas morning and beyond!
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We’re ready to get dolled up, too. Pick out one of our festive holiday invitations for a party with the whole fam.