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Sporting event invitations

Free and Premium online templates you can make your own in minutes. Prefer paper? Browse hundreds of printable invitations available through our partner, Paper Source.

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Root for your home team (and practice your end-zone dance) from the private skybox of your living room with sports invitations perfect for every event. For those who follow the sport of kings (or just spent a lot of childhood with their friend Flicka), don your big hats and pour some mint juleps before you send out your Derby party invitations. You’ll find designs for every other race in the Triple Crown, too. If you prefer your athletes to be the ones in snazzy outfits, have everyone for tennis with grass and clay court-inspired invitations for sports events. Red-blooded American football watchers will find Super Bowl invitations and designs for every qualifying match along the way. Fans of America’s original pastime can invite everyone to seats beyond the bleachers with baseball invitations featuring a more affordable diamond. Speaking of rings: when it’s time to watch some of the greatest athletes on Earth, we have Olympics invitations for spectating the boxing ring, the gymnastic rings, figure skating, and even some sports that don’t happen to take place in a circular arena.

No matter what sport you’re tuning in to watch, you’ll need a scorecard. Not to worry: no matter the game, we have an invitation format for your sports event. You can use the online design tool to customize your sports event invitation template for the big plays ahead—match the font colors and envelope liner to your team’s away jerseys, edit the text layout, and include any key stats. Your envelope’s liner and invitation’s online backdrop can be made to match home or away colors. You’ll find your past party invitees warming the bench in the online address book, but you can import a list of your personal email contacts as well. Once you’ve sent out your invitation to the games, your guests can RSVP online and you can offer an extra space at the party for their doubles partner (among other potential plus-ones). In case of rain delay, use guest messaging to let everyone know that your party is still on, game or no game.

If the sporting life has got you in the mood for further celebrations, browse our invitations to less competitive get-togethers and happy hours.