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New! Introducing the V&A for Paperless Post—artful invitations inspired by objects from parties past. Shop the collection.
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If you can't make it out to a bar, bring the happy hour home! Invite your loved ones to a virtual cocktail party with this beautiful ecard by Liberty. The floral panels give a slightly formal feel that's perfect for a classy, remote event. Simply use the middle panel to write your own text before sending online & using our RSVP tracking tools.

palette icon

Customize everything from your Card to the email your recipients open with colors, photos, and text boxes.


Add additional details, like a schedule of events, travel tips, speakers, and photo galleries, with Blocks.

Closed envelope

Streamline planning with open-ended and multiple choice Guest Questions or easy checkbox-style Guest Surveys.


Send via email, text message, or a customized Shareable Link you can paste and post anywhere.

tracking icon

Instantly track deliveries, opens, and RSVPs, and get notified of each response when you download the app.