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Joint birthday party invitations

Discover customizable joint birthday party invitations for a celebration that's double (or three times!) the fun. Add photos, send via email, text, or shareable link, and track RSVPs instantly.

11 Results
Double the Cake - Paperless Post EnvelopeDouble the Cake - Birthday Invitation by Paperless Post

Double the Cake

Twice the Fun - Paperless Post EnvelopeTwice the Fun - Birthday Invitation by Paperless Post

Twice the Fun

Shapes and Smiles - Paperless Post EnvelopeShapes and Smiles - Birthday Invitation by Paperless Post

Shapes and Smiles

Triple the Fun - Paperless Post EnvelopeTriple the Fun - Birthday Invitation by Paperless Post

Triple the Fun

Twist of Fun

Buccaneers and Beauties

Most Likely To

Fishes and Wishes

Karaoke Machine

Text message invites are here

Send your way

* SMS delivery available for US phone numbers only.

What is a joint birthday party?

A joint birthday party does double duty in the fun department—it’s like a regular birthday party, except there are two (or more) people celebrating. Whether it’s twins, triplets, or friends and family members with similar birth dates, a joint birthday party is a great way to honor multiple people at the same time. They’re typically a convenient option for both hosts and guests—one party for all! Get your party started with joint birthday invitations from Paperless Post.

How to throw a joint birthday party

A birthday party is a personal event, and most honorees want to showcase who they are with a theme. One option is to choose a theme everyone can agree on—or just do two! Everyone gets what they want, and no one is left out.

How do you plan a birthday party with two different themes, you ask? Like any other birthday party, find food, decorations, and entertainment corresponding to each theme. Choose a tiered cake or opt for separate cakes so both celebrants can pick what they want. Cupcakes are another delicious treat to consider—since they’re already individual, adding theme-specific decorations to each is a piece of (cup)cake.

For games and entertainment, try to have one option for each celebrant. For an adult and kid joint birthday celebration, consider a drink bar for the older but young-at-heart guests. Little ones can partake in a bouncy castle, a lego-building extravaganza, or a selection of outdoor carnival games.

Visit Paperless Post Party Shop to browse tons of theme-specific decorations to give your joint birthday party the flair it deserves. The Party Shop is teeming with must-have decorations for kids’ birthday parties, so every piece of the puzzle is taken care of.

Joint birthday party invitation templates

Joint birthday invitations typically showcase the personality of both celebrants. Whether you’re looking for sibling birthday invitations for kids or joint birthday party invitations for adults, our templates give you plenty of options for finding a suitable style for your soirée. We offer birthday invitations with kid-friendly designs as well as more sophisticated templates for adults. A great way to spotlight both celebrants is with a photo invitation.

Customizing joint birthday party invitations

We want you to have the best invitation imaginable, which is why we make our templates easy to customize—choose new fonts and colors, change the formatting, edit the text, and add stickers or images to give your invitations a tailored look. With so many customizable options, including kids’ birthdays, adult birthdays, and milestone birthdays, customize the wording on any template to and use it for your joint birthday celebration.

You can even upload your own design—a totally personalized option for one-of-a-kind dual birthday party invitations.

When should you send online birthday party invitations?

Send joint birthday party invitations at least four weeks before the celebration. Since the guest list is likely larger to accommodate both birthday honorees, give yourself enough time to organize food, decorations, and some take-home treat boxes as party favors.

We’ve streamlined the sending process as much as possible for you—sync your whole contact list from your email and select who will get spoiled with an invitation. Send your dual birthday invitations via email, text, or shareable link. Once you hit send, your invitations will arrive instantly, and you’ll even be able to see which guests have opened them. The perks don’t stop there, though. Online RSVP tracking keeps a constant tally of guests who’ve confirmed they’ll be attending. For any procrastinators, simply send them a gentle reminder to respond.