Bringing former classmates back together again is easy with our convenient college reunion invitations. Add your school logo; RSVP tracking is always free.
Send all of our invitations and cards via text, Shareable Link, and email, too.
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Let's face it: college was a blast. You made lifelong friends, pulled all-nighters, and partied like there was no tomorrow. But then you graduated, started a job, and got swept up in the exciting world of adulthood. Suddenly, you had less time for your old friends. And you've been eager to find an excuse to meet up ever since! College reunions are the perfect opportunity to reconnect with your old buddies and relive your glory days while looking back at some of the best moments of your life. Whether you're catching up over drinks or taking a tour of your old stomping grounds, a college reunion is a perfect way to reconnect with the people who made your college experience so special.
The first step to hosting a successful college reunion party is to send out well-designed invitations. This may seem like a small detail, but it's actually one of the most critical aspects of the event. Your invitation will notify your guests of the upcoming reunion and give them a glimpse of what's to be expected.
Here at Paperless Post, we provide a range of college reunion invitation templates that will get everyone dusting off their yearbooks, hunting down beloved letterman jackets, and searching out old roommates' Facebook profiles! With a range of templates that can be customized to match the overall tone of your event, you can create an invitation that gets your reunion off to the right start. So, whether you're planning a formal function or a boozy banquet, we have an invitation template that will fit the bill. Feeling extra creative? We also offer the option to create invitations from scratch!
You won't get away with any last-minute submissions here! People have busy schedules, so you need to give them enough notice to book days off work, secure childcare, or arrange travel. With these factors in mind, we recommend sending you invitations at least 6 weeks in advance, so people have enough time to prepare. However, if you're planning a reunion around a holiday or other busy time of year, you may need to send invitations even sooner. Remember, the more notice you give, the more likely people will be able to attend!.
A college reunion is a perfect opportunity to catch up with old friends, recall fond memories, and relive the glory days of youth. But where should you hold this momentous event? There are endless possibilities, but here are some ideas to get you started. For the sentimental alumni, there's nothing like returning to campus for a dose of nostalgia. If weather permits, hold the reunion outdoors on the quad. Or, if you're looking for a more immersive experience, consider hosting in the cafeteria. If you want to get away from it all, consider holding the reunion at a nearby landmark or scenic spot that has meaning for your class. Alternatively, you can always host the reunion virtually if you cannot get everyone together in one place.
You don't have to pull out all the stops when decorating for a college reunion. Your guests will be more interested in catching up with each other than they will be in admiring your decor, so don't go overboard. A few decorative accessories to set the tone will be sufficient.
Try to go for decor items that match your school colors to help create a cohesive look for your reunion. Head to Paperless Post Party Shop for a range of party supplies that will make your planning a breeze!
For a fun twist, try photocopying some yearbook photos and use them to decorate the walls to give everyone a good laugh while adding a personal touch.