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Home/Designers/Mr. Boddington's Studio/Mr. Boddington's Studio holiday

Gentleman globetrotter Mr. Boddington is the fictitious alter-ego of the very real stationer Rebecca Schmidt Ruebensaal, beloved for her quirky, idiosyncratic illustrations.

172 Results

Red Ribbon

Mr. Boddington's Studio

Raised Glass

Mr. Boddington's Studio

Good Luck Finding a Cab

Mr. Boddington's Studio

Santa's Slumber

Mr. Boddington's Studio

Mini Berlin - Holiday

Mr. Boddington's Studio

Where Are the Matches

Mr. Boddington's Studio

I Like the Green Ones

Mr. Boddington's Studio

Oy to the World

Mr. Boddington's Studio

Trees on 67th Street

Mr. Boddington's Studio

Holiday Pit Stop

Mr. Boddington's Studio

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